Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I read a lot of blogs from artists and etsians, and it seems like everyone else is always going thrift shopping, where they inevitably find amazing things. Watching all of the posts just gives me the bug until I can barely stand it. A few weeks ago I finally convinced Brad to go investigate a few Omaha flea places that I'd never been to so that we could come home with a few finds of our own. We sold books at HPB before we went for some extra money AND we followed up the flea market with a trip to the record store, where Brad found a copy of Nirvana's Bleach. Woot. I found these turquoise pyrex dishes with hot air balloons and farm scenes, and Brad spied this vintage Mikasa teapot. The colors are the best. Hunting for things is SO FUN.


Tamala said...

Oh, fun! Although I can't wait until the next time you move and start to "de-clutter." Then again, dishes are undeniable practical.

Anna Lloyd said...

Great finds!