Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hello, Fox.

Good afternoon and welcome to any of you new folks! If you haven't already, make sure you enter my giveaway, which ends this Friday!

Today I've been working on making prints of some of my recent paintings. The fox below was one of my priorities. The original is acrylic on a wood panel and is going to head out to the new Smiling Turtle Art Spot in Omaha for display soon, but the print is available now in my etsy shop right here.

Thanks for all of the wonderful book and music recommendations so far! I should just ask you guys whenever I feel in a rut. :-) I'll share one for you, in case you don't already listen to them. I have a little bit of an obsession right now with the Civil Wars. They have a new album coming out August 6th and the track they released this June is so good that it's killing me. Here's the title track (and my FAVORITE) from their last album:

Well, I'm officially trying Blog Lovin'. Thanks for the suggestion, you Google Reader converts. I had been just using a blogger feed for a long time, but this just seems like a better way to stay in the loop with my favorite blogs and sites. We'll see how it goes!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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